A. Authority
B. Expertise
C. Respect (reverent power)
II. * Manage: controlling resources to deliver expected results with the right quality, speed, cost and learning.
III. Do: activities that we “do”
IV. Mentor: Offer-trusted advice around the mentee’s interests
V. * Coach: a results partner who usually asks:
A. Where (or who) are you?
B. Where (or who) do you want to be?
C. What is your plan to get (be) there?
D. How can I help you hold yourself accountable enough to create enough success?
E. What resources (including relationships) can I best bring to your journey?
VI. Learner
VII. * Teacher: transferring data, information, understanding, usefulness and perhaps wisdom
VIII. * Therapist: Assisting in healing and reframing
IX. * Mediating: Connecting disparate positions or beliefs as with A.D.R. (alternative dispute resolution) as a focus in many schools of law
X. Facilitator – process centric taught to professionals retained to help meetings best achieve their results
Related terminal degree (Ph.D. or law degree) . . . emphasizing the competence’s distinctiveness of each of these roles
Source: The Vance Caesar Group 2016