YLO Program Description
- Help proven managers become extraordinary leaders of self and others at work, home and in their community.
- Customized individual leadership development using experiential, classical and peer coaching/learning. Each YLO group is facilitated by Dr. Caesar who has repeated extraordinary results in similar settings for over two decades.
- Ten full day sessions hosted by participants in their own organizations. Where the senior leader(s) share their leadership story during lunch.
- While assuring the core curriculum is fully examined, we constantly align the learning priorities with the group's needs and interests. The year-long program is launched with a two-day/night retreat at our mountain retreat in Idyllwild.
- Another crucial component is the supportive team members who hold each other accountable for implementing actions that make their organizations better and more profitable.
- Rounding out the YLO experience are opportunities to participant in many social gatherings, including those hosted by the Stanford and Pepperdine Business Schools Alumni Associations.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Proven managing results the past three years in at least one professional setting.
- Sponsored by participant’s employer or another senior leader who mentors his/her progress via periodic one-on-one sessions and speaks to the group when hosting the group’s meeting.
- Able to fully engage in the kick-off weekend retreat.
- Actively engaged in this program with no more than two meeting absences.
- Presents and defends, a Career/Business Plan with milestones that can be supported and monitored by the leader and the group.
- Ready to grow into the next phase of one's career and life.
Fiscal reminders:
- Participants will be hosting their group’s full day meetings providing morning, noon and afternoon nourishment plus an appropriate meeting place (and directions how to get there). The initial two-day/night session will be a team retreat hosted by The Vance Caesar Group, Inc.
- "I just wanted to share some good news. I got promoted today! I’m officially a SENIOR marketing manager (well as of July 1st).
I just wanted to thank you for the invaluable lessons you taught me so I could achieve this goal. My boss, Steve (and Todd) told me I have the knowledge, skills and potential but I need to work on the “how.” Steve told me today he has seen significant and CONSISTENT improvement in my approach the past year.
I have to give credit to the YLO program. The content, monthly meetings and the people kept me focused and recommitted to being a better leader."
- Kathy
- “YLO has enhanced my relationships and professional growth while adding balance to my personal life. I especially value the challenges and insights from the monthly meetings as I further strengthen my leadership effectiveness and my contributions to Autobytel and the community. Our company’s market cap has moved from $20 million to over $400 million . . . in no small way because of my progress as a more effective leader. I recommend it to anyone wanting to become a better leader and spouse.”
- Amit
- “YLO is an opportunity of a lifetime. I always walk away from meetings feeling an extraordinary sense of energy after being in a room with talented and insightful individuals who are coaching each other to grow both professionally and personally.”
- Pam