Professional speaking in myriad settings has been part of our offerings for decades. Customized motivational, inspirational, and informational talks of 25 minutes to highly interactive 8-hour sessions are created to achieve client's goals. Below are examples of some of the presentations we can deliver for you.
Balanced Life
Work and personal issues are not discreet and separate elements within a person's life, they overlap. Events at work impact lives and personal life issues carry over into the workplace. Creating the work environment that enables staff to meet life commitments and work responsibilities is the challenge for today's employers.
This presentation/workshop is intended for all professionals interested in achieving balance. Individualized coaching toward fully integrating this workshop is also available.
The Keys to Career Success
Our Book, Uncommon Career Success, includes nine well-researched articles published in The Franklin Covey magazine "Priorities," from which this keynote is taken; after it is customized to meet your audiences needs.
The secrets of super successful executive and entrepreneurs
Nine out of ten very successful executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all types are not happy, according to ours and others' research. This high energy keynote delivers the secrets of that 10% who are truly happy: The Ultimate Success.
Delivered to leader groups (and often their spouses) throughout America, this is a thought provoking, common sense based program audiences constantly say changed their lives.
Our recently published book, The High Achiever's Guide to Happiness, is the cornerstone of this keynote.
Recent results from researching why a few organizations constantly succeed at recruiting and retaining top talent have resulted in five keys critical to optimizing your competitive edge in the area central to success.
In conjunction with Pepperdine University doctoral student research and their primary research with VCG clients, we are able to share with audiences this ground breaking research and easy ways to integrate it into any organization.
Power: How to Get It, How to Use It
Power is the ability to create or destroy. Leaders and managers have power, some more than others because some know both how to get it and how to use it.
This high energy keynote is a favorite of managers new to their profession and those in staff roles like H.R., legal and marketing communications.
The "Critical Care" Marketing Tool That Results in your Being Irresistible to Prospects and Clients
There is abundance-based and scarcity-based marketing. Abundance-based marketing includes critically caring for yourself and your clients integrating our "Verbal Business Card" concept into one of the most powerful and effective marketing approaches. This highly interactive experience results in participants having clarity and simplicity that is unusually empowering, enlightening and very memorable.
The Six Keys To Business Success
This high energy presentation is based on over a decade of experiences with "winning edge" organizations that are in the top 3% of their class and continue to earn over 50% market share. Superior career and business plans are based on these six keys.
High take home value with specific action items come out of this memorable experience.
Executive Coaching Today
It works! Executive coaching is booming because of a myriad of changes in our society and our organizations. Learn how these changes increase the usefulness of executive coaching while getting updated on this fast growing profession by Dr. Vance Caesar, the founder of PCMA (Professional Coaching and Mentoring Association).
Temperament Indicator
The MBTI Meyers-Briggs temperament indicator is perhaps the world's most widely used assessment tool for individuals and the organizations in which they work. This four-hour high energy workshop has been used by Deloitte & Touche, Boeing, Habitat for Humanity and many emerging organizations wanting to get more done easier.
As a follow-up to our presentations and workshops, individualized "integration-coaching" is available as the most serious participants establish integration practice sessions during the ensuing weeks to optimize the R.O.I from their time and financial investments in presentations and workshop.